Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bring it on weekend!

Ok so yesterday we walked around a ton in my Regional Studies class. First we went to the Belles Arts Museum and it was filled with gorgeous artwork. There was also this outdoor courtyard which I loved.

Here's me in the courtyard.

Then we walked to the Jardines Viveros, which is just this huge garden park. I'd been there once before on a run, but I'd never been to the next set of gardens, Los Jardines de Monforte. It was probably one of the prettiest locations I've ever been. We got to wander around for a while and I found a lovely quat for Phi Mu, so obviously I needed a picture.


The pond in the garden

Then we went into the University of Valencia cafeteria and got coffee. Not long after we got back from class we went out to Montaditos. I always enjoy just hanging out with friends there and eating brie sandwiches. When everyone was leaving Jacob and I wandered around the city for like half an hour. I love exploring because it always ends up connecting places I know with other places that I know, but in different ways. Ok I'm making no sense haha. Oh well. The rest of the night I just hung out with Josh, Marie, Murt, and Jacob and it was really relaxing.

Today we watched Celda-211 in my Spanish film class (means Cell 211). It was a prison movie and I kept getting yelled at for not looking at the screen haha. It was seriously so violent/bloody in some parts I thought I was going to have to walk out haha. I am weak. I mean it won best picture in Spain last year though, so it was good. Just very intense.

Right now Maddie and I are at this place called Zume that has Wifi and is like a fruit juice/smoothie/tea bar. I may or may not be stalking the bartender. Haha he's so cute. Maddie and I are creepin. Contemplating ordering something else so he'll come talk to us. Love it.

Happy weekend!!! (Love no classes on Friday!)

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