Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Estas como una cabra!

So let's see. Thursday night we had our barbeque on the roof of our building. It was so cool up there! I hope we get to go up more often now. They made us hamburgers and hotdogs since we didn't have hot water in our building for a while. Then we went out to Max Max and Ryann and I got super lost on our way there. Haha we knew what bus to take, but got off at the wrong spot. But, no worries, getting lost was fun and we found our way eventually.

It was Maddie's friend Ray's last night in town before he headed back to Afganistan. Sooo he made a tab for every single one of us there and payed for our drinks. The bartender couldn't believe it haha. But he was so sweet and I always have fun at Max Max because we just take over and get to hang out with our whole group. I left with Graham around 2, so I didn't actually stay out too late.

We got up around 8 because we went to the Bejis Mountains for a hike. It was definitely one of my favorite places we've been. There were rocks to climb on and streams to cross, so obviously I was in my element haha. Alicia told me that "Estas como una cabra (literally meaning you're like a goat)" is an expression for someone who's crazy. So that's what she called me haha. We ate a picnic lunch after we made it through this incredible canyon like path. Ahhh I loved it! Alicia was also amazed by the fact that I knew the chicken dance in Spanish. We have chicken suit and Harry Potter to thank for that one.

Caitlin and I about to climb

This is why they called me crazy like a goat

Crossing the stream

After we made it back to where the bus was, we went to this "secret spot" which was this gorgeous, moss covered waterfall. I figured out how to get my pictures off my camera, so I'll definitely be using that a lot more! I'm excited about that at least.

We got back to Valencia around 4:30 and we ate Pan de Queso and I went to the grocery store. Thank goodness, I put that off long enough. I took a nap and then we went out to Fox Congo. I didn't feel like drinking, but I still wanted to go out, and I'm so happy I did. I just went to Fox Congo with everyone but I had such a fun time dancing with everyone. There's this bench that is meant for sitting, but we always take it over as a stage. Love it!

I ended up leaving at 2 because I just wanted to have a decent night's sleep. I slept in until 11:30 today and it felt glorious. Then Gill and I went shoe shopping because I've had to throw away 3 pairs since coming here. We just walk around so much that mine we falling apart or disgusting. So I got 3 amazing pairs of European shoes. Haha I love how different their shoes are here. Then we got lunch at this random little place on a street I'd never been, and I loved it.

I'm excited to see what tonight has in store for us!!!

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