Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Friday, November 12, 2010

Solo Español, por favor!

The past couple of days have been really fun, so I want to go ahead and share these adventures. Wednesday during the day was very usual, went to tutoring, had class where we went to museums, and then had a conversation exchange. I met some cool people at mine and enjoyed talking to them a lot. We’re determined to hook Alicia up with one of the guys I was talking to hahaha. That night a few people went to 100 Montaditos, but Erin and I wanted to do something a little different. We started the night at New Orleans and our fav bartender, Jorge, was there. We chatted it up with him for a while and then decided to look into this place that we walked by earlier that takes cheques. At first they didn’t want to let us use them on drinks, but then we made friends with the bartender, Sanda, and she was SO COOL. She’s this 40 year old Colombian woman and is the nicest lady ever. Their restaurant just opened like 20 days ago and we sat for so long talking to the chefs and Sandra. She ended up giving us a bunch of free stuff too.

We also went to Fox Congo that night and visited good old Tony. Haahaaaa. He’s essentially in love with Erin. We were walking home and then we saw that this restaurant that’s nearby and has been under construction since we got here was open. Turns out it was their first night open, so we got some Estrella Galicia and attempted to make friends with the people working there, but they weren’t quite as friendly as Sandra haha. We ended our night talking to Juan Carlos, one of the security guys that does the night shift, for a while. It was a fun, Spanish practice filled night.

The next morning was not quiiiiteee as fun haha. I was just not feeling that 8 am wake up. But I really enjoyed my film class and then Erin and I decided to visit Sandra’s restaurant to actually eat since they were so nice the night before. The food was so good and I was absolutely stuffed afterwards. Sandra tried to give us a free shot, but neither of us were feeling that haha.

At 3:30 we had a speaker that came and talked to us a little about Catalonia and its relations with Spain, etc. After that it was WEEKEND! I definitely napped until like 8 pm and then got ready to go out to Max Max with everyone. We promised Sandra at lunch we’d come visit her before we went out, so we went there for a little while and then took the bus to Max Max.. I didn’t stay too long, but I’m friends with the bartenders there too, Mario and Ester. Are you noticing a trend in my life? Haha. But Mario didn’t make me pay for a drink, so it seems to be a solid life decision to make friends with them.

Caitlin had been to this one bar that was really cool before and it’s in the university district so we walked over there. It was so fun and everything there is way cheaper. I ended up deciding to walk back to Max Max to see if anyone was still there, but on the way I made friends with 3 Spanish guys and they walked me all the way back home, which was a good half hour walk. It was one kid’s birthday, so he was really drunk and it was funny. While we were walking we saw 2 of their girlfriends and we sat and talked for a while. They all were so intrigued by the “Americana” and kept trying to ask me questions and practice their English. I told them I wanted to practice Spanish so our deal was that I would say something in Spanish and they responded in English. It was cute.

Us at aguacate

I’m not sure what time I got back, but I want to say like 3:30. And then Juan Carlos let me sit behind the desk with him and we chatted until 5:30 am. We talked about so much stuff and we googled popular Spanish expressions and he was teaching me all sorts of things. So that was night #2 of intense Spanish practicing. I’m literally going to miss it so much when I go home. After nights like these my mind is thinking in Spanish and everything.

This morning I couldn’t sleep past 9:30 so I got up and Maddie and went to the rio and sat on a bench and read our books. It was the most gorgeous day and I’m now on page 100 of my Spanish book. Score.

I got back, hung out with friends for a while, and now I’m at Pan de Queso, enjoying some pan and a cerveza while the sun sets. Ah it’s so gorgeous here. Right now I can’t even imagine leaving.

I don’t know what I’m doing tonight, but hopefully it’s another night to blog about. I might be meeting up with the Spaniards from last night, so we’ll see!!

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