Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Monday, November 29, 2010


OK so weekend re-cap. Wednesday night the wine tasting was really fun and the food was so good too. That night, since Maddi's brother was visiting, me, Caitlin, Erin, and Jairo went out with them. We even got David to come out with us! Haha there are some realllly ridiculous pictures from that night. Basically we were breaking out all the classic dance moves all over the place... the shopping cart, the bull, the telephone. It was awesome.

David and I went to another bar after Aguacate and according to Maddi I wasn't home at 4 am when she got home to pick up her bag to take to her parent's hotel. Bahaha.

The next day was Thanksgiving! It was fun and I gathered leaves with Jairo for decorations (haha) and then helped Maria with the gravy. Mother would be very proud to know I can now make a contribution to next year's Thanksgiving dinner. We didn't eat till around 7:45, but at 7 I went with Maria and 2 other students to pick the turkeys up from the bakery behind our study center. Our ovens aren't big enough to cook them, so the bakery baked 4 for us.


A lot of the faculty's kids and spouses came to dinner and there were more than 40 people there. The food was seriously SO GOOD. Everyone did a fantastic job at cooking.


That night after dinner I was so tired and literally just napped from 9-11:30. I got up long enough to do some laundry and talk to Juan Carlos, who gave me 1000 ebooks in Spanish for my nook! I'm literally so excited. I had to read Harry Potter for one of my classes, so I read it in Spanish. There's so many other good ones too and it's awesome because they don't sell ebooks for the Nook in Spanish.

I went back to bed around 1:30 and then didn't get up Friday until practically noon. It was pretty glorious. I had a productive day though and went for a run, did a little shopping, and read my book while drinking tea in Starbucks. That night was a pretty big night because 2 of the guys in my program are on an American football team, and their team was holding a private party in a club, which we all got in on. It was an open bar from 12-3 and then at 3 the actual club opened. We were all probably really obnoxious and loud as we danced and sang to all the songs they played, but who cares, it was so much fun. We stayed out pretty late and then the next day I slept in again.

Ryann and I showing off our Rs

It was literally the most fun morning after going out because we all just talked about all the stuff that happened the night before and we were laughing at all the pictures. Saturday was really relaxed and I just read, did homework, and went for a long run in the rio. That night FSU was playing UF in football (big rivalry, I've come to learn.) FSU won for the first time in 6 years, so everyone was in a good mood. Erin and I went to go say hi to Sandra at her restaurants and we were just sitting at the little bar when this table of a soccer team invited us to sit with them. They were all pretty drunk and talking really fast Spanish, but they were funny. I kind of wished we hung out with them that night, but then again, we told them we were lesbians so that made things awkward hahaha. We got a free entrance into Las Animas, a big discoteca from some lady at Sandra's restaurant, so we decided to go. Unforch, we got there at 2:50 and free entrance ended at 2:30. So we wandered around into like 5 different clubs. It was so cool because we were in an area totally different than the touristy district we live in, so it was all Spaniards in these places.

Sunday we got up to catch the bus at noon to go to Wes and Diego's American football game. It was like a 20 minute bus ride and it was fun getting to see them play. Their team won and Wes even scored a touchdown. Seeing Spaniards play American football is hilarious. Erin and I got kebabs afterwards and then I just did homework for most of the night. I haven't really had all that much homework while being here, but this week I've got a lot because all my final projects and papers are do.

Football game

I slept really badly last night though and the WEIRDEST thing happened to me. I woke up in the middle of the night, STANDING by our fridge upstairs in my bathrobe, drinking orange juice (I don't even have any in the study center) from one of my water bottles. Apparently I sleep walked downstairs, poured it from a large bottle into my own and then walked back upstairs where I woke up. Gillian said I was talking to her and everything because she was working on paper downstairs. WHY AM I SO WEIRD?? I've seriously never done strange things in my sleep before Spain, but now I talk, mumble, and walk.

Today I had my second to last women in lit class and then I went to the market with Maddi. It looks really ominous outside though and is going to rain. It's definitely the coldest I've felt in Valencia yet. Tonight is the Barcelona vs. Real Madrid game, which is supposed to be one of the biggest games of the century, so should be good!

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