Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th of July Celebrartion... a week late

Yesterday was a really fun Tuesday with an unexpected surprise. Heather sent me a 4th of July package, but I wasn't able to go pick it up from the post office until yesterday. It was filled with all sorts of America goodies like a visor, mints, straws, pinwheels, window stickers, and a ring pop. It was so awesome.

Andrea enjoys her first ring pop

Caitlin's boy, Adri, is on a cruise this whole week, so since she's off work she came to play with us. We went and had a good time at the beach and ate at Loli's. We came back to my house and we were just playing with Andrea when Alicia came home around 4.

I felt like I didn't know what to do with myself being free for the rest of the day, so we decided to investigate a little something called Lambrusco. It's this sparkling wine that all of Raul's family is obsessed with...Loli gives it to me with lunch every single day. Caitlin and I feared it might be pricey, so we just decided to go to Consum, the grocery store, to check it out. Turns out they are 1.65 a bottle, so we definitely bought some.

On the way home we stopped at this restaurant right by my house that I've always wanted to try where I got an horchata, a really typical drink from Valencia. I had it plenty of times last semester, but I haven't actually had it since being back this summer. We sat there for well over an hour and then returned home.

We decided to celebrate the birth of our great country by drinking our Lambrusco (from Finding Nemo cups, what else?) with the America straws that Heather gave us. There ended up being a TORRENTIAL down pour in Valencia and of course, me being the child I am, I had to go play in it. It actually hailed too! It was nuts.

Just a side note, that is why I am wearing the attractive outfit I have on in the following America picture and that's why my hair and face clearly look so good. Just had to throw that out there.


We played with Andrea until her dinner time where she proceeded to have the worst temper tantrum I've ever seen from her. I think she must've just been tired because she literally played all day.

After she was finally asleep, Cait and I ate dinner with Raul and Alicia. It was simple, but as always Raul's cooking is phenomenal.

This morning I did NOT want to wake up. Haha I was so tired! But I took Andrea to swim lesson and I got to babysit Ali during it so that Loli could go shopping. All the other little kids at the pool were obsessed with her. After her lesson we went to the beach and Cait found us there. It was the most beautiful day and the water was so clear. Andrea and I ended up jumping around in the waves for a while after building some castles.

Then the three of us swam in the pool together until 2. We were all laughing and Andrea was being crazy and having a good old time. She was so well behaved when we had to leave, although at lunch she ended up misbehaving. I like that's she's good with me normally, but I hate that she usually acts the worst whenever we're around the rest of her family. It makes me think that they don't think I can control her or that she's always just a bad kid. Whatever, at least I know that we have fun.

For lunch we had large quantities of snails. Ughhhh. I haven't been able to bring myself to try them yet, but today Loli fried a whole pot of them and I braved it. I literally had goosebumps as I was holding it. Honestly at first bite it wasn't that bad but I really didn't enjoy the taste too much as I was chewing. So that was a no go for me. The rest of the family LOVED them though.

Big pot of fried snails...ALL GONE after lunch today.

I brought Andrea home around 4 and about half an hour later Alicia came home. Caitlin had gone home for lunch, so I just got into bed to read for a bit. I'm on book #4 while in Spain!

Caitlin came back at 5:15 because she had left her bag with her computer in it here. We decided to siesta then...she in Andrea's bed and me in mine. Haha it definitely felt good, but I was dreaming about snails! Ugh I am officially creeped out by them!

Around 7, I walked back home with her and then from her house I began my run. I wasn't really in the mood to run, but it felt good and I'm glad I went. Right now Alex and Amparo, two of Raul and Alicia's friends from college (the ones that own the mountain house we went to) are visiting with their two kids, Carmen and Luis.

I plan on having a relaxing evening and maybe going to go socialize with all of them after my shower. Happy Hump Day!

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