Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ibiza Weekend!

So this past weekend was an absolute adventure, but I had a sincerely amazing time. Caitlin and I decided to go visit Ibiza, an island right off the coast of Spain. It is well known for having some of the best clubs in the world (#1 of 2011...I looked at the list) and crystal clear beaches. One weekend definitely was not enough to experience everything, but we did our best to see the most noteworthy parts of the island.

Friday our plane left at 10:30 pm from Valencia and arrived in Ibiza at 11:15. Everything worked out really smoothly with that and we just spent an evening enjoying Valencia before catching the metro to the airport. The taxi from the airport to our hostal in Ibiza was really expensive, so we definitely figured out how to get a bus to the airport come Sunday.

I was definitely expecting our hostal to be (excuse my language) an absolute shit hole. It was only 20 euros a night and for a place like Ibiza I figured it would be grimy, lacking air conditioning, and the bathrooms would be communal. But actually the lady working the desk was so friendly and helped us out a ton. I think she was excited to meet people who spoke Spanish because we were literally in little England. We were surrounded by British people and definitely could've gotten away without speaking any Spanish at all.

Our room had a fridge, a fan, and our own private bathroom. We got ready quickly that night and then hit the streets so a place called West End of San Antonio. It was packed with people and pubs and we had no idea where to go. So when a lady approached us offering us 3 drinks for 10 euros, we decided to stop there. We stayed at this place with our gin and tonics and tequila sunrises until about 2 am I think. At our hostal we bought discounted tickets for a discoteca called Es Paradis.

Getting our night started in San Antonio

On to the next one

We started heading there, but got a little sidetracked when we found one of those sling shots that you can ride that shoot you into the air. I was begging Caitin to ride it with me, but she refused so we decided to find me a friend. I ended up going with this random British guy and it was definitely an experience.

Bahahaha waiting in line with my new friend... don't worry we ran away right after the ride was over

The discoteca was really cool and so pretty. In Ibiza the discos are so renowned because of the fact that it's literally like a show inside. There are drag queens dancing, women swinging from hoops in above the dance floor, and ladies that can climb ribbons from the ground and then proceed to dance in them above you. It was epic and Cait laughed at how transfixed I was by all the sights (apparently they do things like this in Vegas, but I was beyond thrilled).

We stayed out so late this night...literally I got home at 8:15 am. We slept in our hostal until like 12:30 and then we went to find food and water. We went to a cafe near us where I got a tuna sandwich, coffee, and a really large agua. We meant to get ready for the beach right when we got back but this guy had to come fix the air conditioning and the only way to reach it outside was to lower himself down by a ladder he put in our window. So we stayed and had laughing fits over really random stuff in our beds until we finally walked to the bus station.

We bought our ticket to a beach, Cala Bassa, that was recommended to us. We still had like 45 minutes till it came, so we decided to go sit at a cafe in the meantime. Unfortunately we got there and realized we had missed it...then we saw a sign that had the time on it and my watch was 10 minutes off. Hahahaha of course. So we walked around a bit and did some shopping. I had a feeling I would buy an outfit in Ibiza, so I didn't bring one to go out in for Saturday night. So I found a really pretty maxi dress (the first one I own!) in this store that I loved.

Finally we caught the bus to the beach and it was just what we needed. It was SO beautiful and the water was absolutely clear. Like we could see fish swimming around underneath our feet. Ok another sidenote, many women chose to go topless at beaches in Spain. Not all, but at Pobla de Farnals I'd say it's like 50/50. In Ibiza it's more like 90% and I just decided that Saturday would be my day to go for it (going topless on a beach was a definite on my bucket list). It was so weird at first, but it ended being something I'm glad I can say I did. I could've stayed at the beach forever, but at 8 we decided we needed to go back to catch the sunset.

Us after our (topless) swim at the beach

Raul and everyone I talked to said that we needed to watch the sunset at this place called Cafe del mar on the beach. So after quick showers, Cait and I headed that way. The area was kind of like a boardwalk and it was filled with people enjoying the evening. We sat down at Cafe del Mar and I was told that I needed to try liquor ibicenga, an alcohol native to Ibiza that comes from a bottle filled with plants and herbs (appealing I know). So I tried it and it was pretty kind of tasted like licorice. But hey, I can say I went to Ibiza and drank it at least. We ate dinner on the beach after walking around a little and stayed there until midnight or so.

Cafe del Mar

We kind of wanted a more relaxing evening since the night before had been so crazy. So we walked down and found a person handing out free entrances to another disco called Eden. We went in, but since it was only 1 we knew that it would get more popular later. So we were told we should just leave and get stamped and then come back. We got a sangria at a cafe in the meantime. DISGUSTING. I mean I didn't know it was possible to mess sangria up, but this sir totally achieved that. Baha at least we enjoyed sitting there and hanging out together. After a while we walked back to Eden and I again enjoyed the show going on and danced my heart out.

We had met these British people inside Eden and then it just so happened that when we left around 4:30, we ran into them on the street. We sat outside talking to them for a while and then I'd say around 5:30 we made it to the hostal. I'm actually glad we got in a little earlier because we had to be checked out of our hostal by noon. They offered free breakfast until 11am (which we clearly didn't make it to on Saturday), so Sunday morning we hit that up before we left.

The bus to the airport worked out perfectly and we boarded our flight with no problems. I was dozing on the plane when I woke up to the three things simultaneously: people screaming, the plane shaking, and Cait grabbing my hand. It was just windy day and we hit a current, but it really freaked Cait out. I guess I'm just literally not afraid of planes at all because it didn't bother me at all once it was over. Meh I guess that's a little weird.

Finally safe on the ground in Valencia, we rode the metro to Pobla de Farnals. Let's discuss this little life incident. I've always known that no train or metro went to Pobla, that's why we always take the bus into Valencia. But on Friday when we were riding the metro to the airport, we saw that there was a stop in Pobla. So Sunday we decided just to go for it. As we arrived we realized that I live at PLAYA Pobla de Farnals, and that the town is actually a really solid distance from the beach part of Pobla. Who knew that there would be two separate parts? I wanted to go on an adventure and walk to the beach (although that would've been idiotic because I'm almost certain it would've taken more than 2 hours). So we called Maria Jose, Caitlin's Spanish mom and she came and got us.

Finally I was back at home in Pobla de Farnals at 6 pm! I wasn't ready to leave Ibiza, but it was nice being home after a bus, a plane, a metro, and a car ride. That night was really really relaxing and I just unpacked a little, played with Andrea, and went to bed around 9 pm.

Today was a really awesome day with Andrea. Perhaps it was being completely away for a weekend, but I just really enjoyed her company. She woke up late and her mom said since she went to bed so late the night before, she could skip swimming. So we swam together in her pool, went skating, and played a lot of random games. At 2 we went to Loli's for lunch and then came home at 3. Normally Alicia comes home from work between 3:30 and 4:30, so it was kind of a surprise that she didn't make it back until 6:15. Honestly on a Friday I probably would've wanted to pull my hair out, but I was happy just playing with Andrea for a good while.

Obsessed with this picture

When she came home, I accompanied Alicia and Andrea to go pick up Ali from Loli's house (that was just a lot of names, sorry). Alicia had been telling me about this one store in Pobla de Farals that has really cute clothes and things for a while and the stuff there is finally on sale. So all 4 of us went and did a bit of shopping. Alicia is friends with the woman who works there and I ended up buying a dress...surprise! Haaaahaaa my life. Oh well, it was worth it with the sale and everything.

I went for a run when we got home and just did 4 miles. It felt good to be back to that after a weekend of relaxation. Raul made us this absolutely amazing fish for dinner. This past weekend was Alicia's 40th birthday. I was disappointed not to be there for all the festivities, but I planned Ibiza before I knew it was her birthday. Basically last Friday when I was flying to Ibiza he told her they had plans to go to dinner, just the two of them. But he actually planned this surprise dinner with 23 of their friends and he made her a video of all these photos that he played there. So tonight we got to watch the video. I was basically crying, but it was one of those happy cries because Alicia and Raul are just the perfect couple and he was so sweet. I hope someday I have someone like Raul in my life! Haha ok, so there's my mini pity party at my current state of singleness. Whatever, who's in a rush??

Longest blog entry ever (and that's saying something!) is finally OVER!

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