Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Monday, July 4, 2011


Well here is my weekend review since I didn't get to update at all!

Friday ended up being so much fun. After Alicia came home from work, Caitlin walked over to my house. We played with Andrea all evening and Raul made us dinner and homemade mojitos. Then we decided to keep up our Friday tradition of getting a drink at El Lloc, a restaurant/bar right by my house. After staying there until 1 am, we decided to restaurant hop and we went and got another drink at a place called Oasis.

The kids always enjoy photo booth

Here is where things got random and interesting. This group of old Spaniards (presumably drunk and over the age of 40) made us come sit with them at their table. The lady was so funny and made me get up and dance with her even though I was so embarrassed. She told us how we had to hang out with her 17 year old son (even though she referred to him as weird) so he could practice his English. She kept saying things in English even though she knew next to nothing, so that was really funny. She said "no likey" in reference to my siver nail polish haha. Then this random old sir named Toni handed me his number and e-mail on a little sheet of paper, even though he probably doubles my age and informed us he has a wife in Argentina. That was a bizarre moment.

So when we finally escaped from that scene around 3, we thought we'd walk home. False. A random group of sirs grabbed our hands and took us to another club (I didn't know that a club existed in Pobla de Farnals). We ended up meeting someone who was my neighbor and then two Americans. One was an older guy who lives here and his son was here visiting him. We hung out with them until 5 am, I swam in the Mediterranean in my dress, and I'd call it a successful evening.

Saturday morning I played with the kids while Raul set to work on cutting all the old ham off the leg in our kitchen because guess what?! We got a new leg to hang up! Haha oh Spanish traditions. At 2 I rode the bus into Valencia and read in Starbucks. It's the first weekend of "rebajas" or the time every July when there are intense sales on summer things. I bought a new mono (the name for long pant rompers). I'm determined to come back with one for everyday of the week haha.

At 5:30 Caitlin came to Valencia and met me at the Torres de Serranos and we continued our shopping expedition. I got some sweet parachute pants...can't wait to have a picture in these..and a new bathing suit. I'm always so excited to get new things and I've been saving up, so it was worth it.

At 8 we rode the train back to Pobla de Farnals where we got ready for our evening out (we both sported out new monos). Isa, the aunt of the boy Caitlin takes care of who took us out two weekends ago (when we stayed out until 6:30) came to pick us up at 10:30. We stayed in the Barrio Carmen of Valencia, which is the city center where I lived all last fall. Oh my old stomping grounds! We shared salad, tapas, and sangria for dinner and then at 1 we went over to Ghecko. We met some of Isa's friends and had a good time dancing and singing. At 3:30 Ghecko closed and Caitlin and I were down for a disco, but we could tell Isa was tired and she apparently had to work the next day.

Caitin and I at Ghecko

So she took us back to Caitlin's house. She has a pull out mattress under her bed where I intended to sleep...except one of Adri's friends spent the night, so when we got there at 4, the mattress was not in her room. So we shared her twin bed. Haha surprisingly it was a comfortable sleep.

Sunday we got up at 10 and we had planned on having a beach day. We went from 11-12, but it started raining, so we had to come in. We walked over to my house because I promised Loli I'd join them for paella for lunch at 2:30.

Us and the paella

It was really good and they added eggplant to it, which I'd never had in paella before. Yummm. We were so full and ended up staying at Loli's house until 5:30. She gave Caitlin a tour of their apartment upstairs and we looked at old photos of Raul and company.

When we came back to my house we planned on booking our trip to Ireland. It didn't end up working out because basically there was no way around having only one full day there. So I'd really been wanting to travel to Ibiza or Mallorca. I asked Raul and Alicia which one we should do and they both recommended Ibiza, so that's what we went for. I'M SO EXCITED!! July 15th-17th I'll be there, enjoying beautiful clear beaches and a kid-free weekend (haha).

At 10, Raul drove Caitlin home and I was seriously so tired that I couldn't even stay awake to skype with my parents at midnight.

This morning I had to wake Andrea up at 9:30 because her swimming lessons have started. They're just at Loli's pool for 45 minutes starting at 10:15. She's such a good little swimmer!! After her lesson, we played in the pool for another hour and I really enjoyed it. Loli let me lay in the sun for a while before lunch and then we ate chicken (only the second time I've eaten chicken in a month here!).

A picture I took of Ali this morning

Andrea and I had a siesta after eating and then I played with her and Ali until 5:15 when Loli took Andrea to the pool and I brought Ali home.

Happy 4th of July everyone!! I'll be thinking about America tonight and of course I'm rocking my red, white, and blue <3

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