Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Let's seeee. I had such a good day yesterday. I didn't have class until 3, so I slept in until 11 and just got to hang out with people and read until class. We met our professor, BJ at the doors to our study center and then we rode the bus to his friend's paella restaurant at the university neighborhood. The food was muyyy delicioso. We got salad, paella, a drink, a dessert, and coffee all for really cheap. It was wonderful. Then we walked around the university area and he showed us so many good places for college students to eat and hang out. I'm excited to explore that area.

Me, Monica, and Caitlin at the paella restaurant

When we got back, Caitlin and I sat in the computer lab and did our Spanish homework together. We just had to write 2 pages about anything we wanted to. So I wrote about the jobs that I've had over the years. Don't worry Einsteins and Barnes and Noble friends, I talked about much I love them both.

The best part of the day was when we had our "exchange conversations" where we go and meet up with other Spanish students. First I was sitting at a table with my friends who didn't speak Spanish, so the Spaniards were only speaking English. But I told my teacher I wanted to speak Spanish, so she went and found me these 2 guys that didn't speak any English at all. I literally had the best time talking to them. Their names were Seve and Alejandro, and they were pretty old. Like 31 and one was a doctor and one works for the state. They aren't future husband material (haha), but we just sat around joking the entire night. I just love speaking in Spanish to people and it was cool actually talking to them like I was one of them. We chatted about everything until Sherlock Holmes closed at 10. Then they invited me to dinner and we went to this Italian place. We stayed talking until like 12 and they even payed for me. It was just a good experience and I'm glad I got to meet them. The funniest thing was when I asked them after dinner why they went to the Conversation Exchange and they were like.. uhh we just met up for a drink and your teacher asked us if we'd talk to you. HAHAHA. Embarrassing. But they were super nice about it.

Then I met up with a couple people from my group that were still hanging out with other Spaniards. We didn't stay out long though and pretty much just walked back to the study center. I went to bed fairly early because I was tired. This morning I got up at 8 for class. It was my film class and we watched Pan's Labyrinth. I love that movie, but dang, some of the scenes are just too intense.

I have one class left until the weekend!

Just for kicks, here's me loving life at the discoteca on Saturday

Making people do the sprinkler

My dance partner for the night!

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