Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Day of "Work"

Good morning! Once again our house is empty--the kiddo is at school, the baby off with "yaya," and the padres are at work. So Indio and I are just having quality bonding time together with my morning espresso. Sometimes I miss my big old cups of coffee! But I'm not going to lie, their espresso machine is really fun. I'll have to take pictures with it sometime.

Yesterday I had the whole day to myself just to relax. At 10 I went for an hour long walk around all of Pobla de Farnals. I found the grocery store and a little fruit store. I imagine the lady that works there will know me well by August haha.

It had been kind of chilly when I left at 10, but by 11 when I got back, I was hot and the beach called my name. So I got a towel and headed out to the sand. It was perfect with the sun warming my face. I stayed for like 2 hours and then came inside...where I proceeded to take a long nap on the couch with Indio. Only I didn't sleep that well because I kept having bad dreams that my family came home early from work and found Indio on the couch and I got in trouble. In my dream, I could hear them coming up the stairs and I kept trying to wake up to move him off the couch, but I couldn't make myself move! It was weird.

I spent the rest of the afternoon reading until Alicia came home with Andrea around 5:30. So began my first day of work! Work consists of playing with Andrea, doing her homework, reading with her, practicing English, etc, until I give her a bath and accompany her during her dinner. She goes to bed around 8:30.

Raul doesn't get home until about 8, so we waited for him until about 9 for dinner. We had salad with tuna (my suggestion...they keep asking what I eat and I told them I literally eat tuna every single night for dinner. I didn't tell them that I mix my tuna with green beans and egg beaters. They already find me weird haha). After dinner Alicia and I looked at the Maryland book that I bought for them for a while. I was explaining how we eat crabs with the liquid butter and she was a little disturbed ha. They almost never use butter here. I stayed up until midnight with them and I just really enjoy talking and sharing our two cultures.

So I'd say my first day of "work" was a success. Andrea and I had a lot of fun together. It'll be this same routine until June 22nd when she's finished school. Then I'll have to figure out ways to occupy a 4 year old all day long haha. But no worries, I got this!

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