Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Long Pant Rompers and Free Meals

So Saturday and Sunday were both really awesome days. Saturday, after mistakenly waking up at 8:30, I played around with Andrea, read, and relaxed, until 12:30 when Caitlin arrived at my house for a beach day.

We laid out in the sun and then floated around in the sea. I had walked into the sea many times, but I'd never actually swam in it before. It's SO FUN. We were like children, getting all happy about the fun waves and floating around. And when I say float, I mean legit float. It's practically impossible to sink.

We both could have stayed forever, but at 2:30 we went back because Raul had made a huge fideua for lunch. Fideua is like paella, but with tiny noodles instead of rice.

Caitlin and I with the Fideua...this whole thing was GONE after a family lunch

So we came home and ate with everyone. Alicia's 2 sisters and mother came over to join us along with her one sister's husband and son, Marc, who is 8 I believe. We had a full house and then for dessert they went and bought cafe granizado. Which is literally frozen coffee, like a frappaccino, but Spain style because they mix it up with this stuff called leche merengado and cinnamon. Heaven.

At 5, Caitlin needed to start walking home because her boy had a piano concert that night. I decided to walk with her since I had nothing better to do and I got to see where she lives. In her complex they have an even bigger pool than us and some little restaurants near by.

I came home, showered, and spent some time on the front porch talking to Alicia's family. I really like them all and they were so nice and interested in talking about the US.

Caitlin and I made plans to hang out for the night, so I rode my bike to her house. It was my first time riding here...pretty scary because I left at like 9 when a lot of people were out and about. I think I'll stick with walking unless I really want to get there fast. Caitlin wasn't home from the piano concert yet, but I just figured I'd spend some time exploring her area. The first thing I came across was an outdoor market. And I obviously gravitated towards the dress section. I was just browsing, but came across a long pant romper. I literally didn't even try it on and impulse bought it for 10 euros. Lucky for me, it fits and I'm in love with it. I'm definitely bringing this fashion back to the US. Haha, my new first day of school outfit??

Saturday night was really relaxing. We watched the sun set on the beach and explored the area and drank Don Simon Tinto de Verano. I actually went home early at like 11...I felt lame because Raul told me that they had just put Andrea to bed when I got back haha. But whatever, the thought of a good night sleep called my name.

Sunday morning I got up at 8:30 and at 9:30 I left to go to Caitlin's house...on foot this time haha. MariaJose, the mom of her house, was headed into Valencia, so we hitched a ride with her. Our plan for the weekend was a slight fail. We decided to do beach day Saturday and shopping day Sunday. Except I am an IDIOT and forgot that it was a SUNDAY in Spain. Aka, nothing is open hahaha. You'd think after living here for 3 months last year, I'd know this.

So we ended up just walking around, revisiting some of my old favorite things, and stopping into a couple random stores that were open.

Me in my new romper by my favorite Valencian tree

By 12 we were both really hungry and hot, so we stopped in a random restaurant that I'd never been to before, but that I'd walked past a million times. Caitlin had never tried agua de Valencia, an alcoholic orange juice that Valencia is known for. So we ordered a was stronger than we anticipated hahaha. So we enjoyed making friends with our waiter, eating delicious sandwiches, and getting a tad tipsier than we intended.

Me with the Jarra

The biggest surprise was when our waiter delivered out check...and instead of a money total, it was his name and number. HAHA. So we got a free meal out of it. Why didn't I ever stop in this restaurant before??

The restaurant

I wanted to visit my Zume friends finally, but they didn't open until 4. That was just as well because soon enough MariaJo called us and I guess was about to head back to El Puig, so we met up with her. She drove us back and dropped us off at my house since I didn't bring my bathing suit with me.

We stayed for like an hour and then walked back to her house. It was hot, but with Don Simon sangria as our company, the walk flew by. We put on our bathing suits and went swimming in her large pool. It's definitely like 12 feet deep at one end. And I definitely asked the lifeguard where we could buy stamps, just to talk to him. HAHA.

The third amigo

We were napping on our towels when Adri, the 11 year old Caitlin watches, came with his friend Juan to tell us that his parents had left for the opera. So we went back into the building and played Monopoly with them. Haha how many years has it been since I played that?? It was fun though and at 7 we decided to lay down for a nap. Turns out that nap lasted until 9 pm for me. Faiiiiil. Oh well, it was needed.

We hung out in their house (on their 9th floor deck that has a beautiful view of the Mediterranean) , painting our nails, and sharing life stories until MariaJo and Jesus came back from the opera around 11. Then Jesus drove me home and I skyped with my parents.

I felt so tired when I was done talking to them, but then I had a lot of trouble sleeping. Nonetheless, I was up at 7:30 this morning. Andrea still isn't awake, but Tania the maid is here. Monday morning is here again, but I had such a good weekend and am ready for the work week!

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