Rosemary Barton
Avenida Neptuno 3
Urb. Port Mar N. 19
46137 Playa Pobla de Farnals
Valencia Spain

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Yesterday was another solid day in the routine. I was really tired all day though. I haven't been sleeping that well at night but I think it's because I've been taking such intense siestas...I need to control those ha.

Andrea got up a little before 10 and we really didn't even watch many cartoons at all during breakfast. She just wanted to finish and play with me. Her favorite game is called "bebes" where she is the mother and buys things for me because I'm the baby. I have to speak in Spanish with a baby voice...that took getting used to haha.

Later swam in her pool with some other kids until lunch at Loli's. We played with Ali and colored until it was ready and then we ate ternera con patatas, salad, and cucumbers. I don't remember what ternera is in English so that's why I didn't translate it. It's some type of meat. Beef maybe? Mehhh

At 3:30 we went back to our house and then played with her toys out on the porch until Alicia got home at 4:30. My nap yesterday definitely lasted from 5-7. Dangit, I'm so dumb!! Oh well, it felt wonderful.

I got up and studied for the GRE on the back porch with a beer. Haha classic. Alicia was helping me with large vocabulary words by translating them into Spanish and then defining them for me. Who knew prestidigitation would be pretidigitacion in Spanish?

I didn't go running until 9 or so. I only went 4 miles, but it was one of those runs that felt SO GOOD. I'm getting back into that feeling that I had in May in Newport News where running is something I crave rather than something I have to force myself to do. I don't know that I'll be in half marathon shape by September. Probably not because I'm not training, so I'm a little disappointed, but at least running is like a form of therapy for me here.

When I got back I played with Andrea until our dinner of hervido and salad was ready at like 10:45. I spent my evening writing letters to people until I went to bed at 1. I woke up a lot in the middle of the night though....darn you siesta.

It's hump day today AND Montaditos Miercoles! It's my first time getting to go since I've been back, so I'm super excited for tonight!!

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